25 Marketing Principles

These Will Help You Build a Genuine Brand

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Creative where every week you get 3 tips, 1 book, and 1 quote to help you become a better business person and marketer.

Before we dive into today’s message, my new book is almost out! Be sure to pre-order using the link HERE.

Onto today’s message:

25 Key Principles Everyone Must Follow to Build a Genuine Brand:

When I say "everyone," I’m talking about all of us who are in the trenches, shaping the identities of our businesses and products.

From large corporations to small business owners, each one of us holds the power to create a brand that resonates with authenticity and purpose.

In a world where consumer trust is at a premium, the responsibility of entrepreneurs and marketers has never been more significant.

We are the storytellers of our brands, the architects of customer experience, and the guardians of our business values.

Our brand can be a beacon of trust, a catalyst for customer loyalty, and a mirror reflecting our core values.

Let's dive into the 25 principles I have learned and lived by in my journey:

  1. Make your brand's story genuine and relatable; it's the heartbeat of your brand.

  2. Maintain consistency across all platforms to establish brand recognition.

  3. Tailor your brand to meet and EXCEED your audience's needs and aspirations.

  4. Embrace innovation to keep your brand dynamic and relevant. Once you're no longer relevant, it's game over.

  5. Foster loyalty by being true to your brand's values in every action. Your brands value rests on the loyalty of its customers. No loyalty, no business.

  6. Value customer feedback as a goldmine for brand improvement. This year, take seriously all the feedback you get.

  7. A clear, concise brand message cuts through the noise. Attention spans are dwindling, if it's not clear and concise people won't get it.

  8. Use storytelling to create connections based on shared experiences. Stories are never forgotten, use them.

  9. Aim to evoke emotions, connecting your brand emotionally with your audience.

  10. Stand out with a bold and unique brand value proposition. When your business is on the Internet, you're competing with the world, if you don't have a unique value proposition, you don’t stand a chance.

  11. Build trust through transparency in your processes and values.

  12. Empower your team to be enthusiastic brand ambassadors.If your team isn’t supporting your brand, don’t expect anyone else to do it.

  13. Quality is the cornerstone of your brand's reputation. Especially if you're scaling, never drop your quality.

  14. Enhance your brand image through active community involvement. Never underestimate the power of connecting with the local and global community.

  15. Demonstrate commitment to doing the right thing. People love brands that always to the right thing no matter the financial cost.

  16. Use social media strategically for impactful brand building. Obviously you’re using X…but should you be? Find the right platform and use it in the right ways.

  17. Your personal brand as a leader reflects on your business. Don’t ever think you can separate the two, it's just not possible.

  18. Amplify your brand through strategic partnerships and collaborations. Who you work with and why, matters. Work with people who are the BEST fit and don’t settle for anything less.

  19. Stay adaptable to changing market trends and consumer preferences. The market is always changing…if you’re not changing with it, you’re behind.

  20. Educate your audience, adding value beyond your products or services. The more you help them, the more they’ll love you.

  21. Excel in customer service to enhance your brand experience. Marketing might bring them in, but customer service will keep them.

  22. Ensure your brand's visual identity is compelling and cohesive. If it’s not cohesive you’ll lose trust and when you lose trust you lose customers.

  23. Align your brand with causes that reflect its ethos and values. What you’re doing should be bigger than yourself.

  24. Use analytics to measure and guide your brand's impact. If you’re not using data you’re just guessing and if you’re guessing you’ll never get results.

  25. Continuously evolve your brand to stay ahead and relevant. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Change, grow, evolve, never stop learning.

The true power of branding lies not just in its ability to sell, but in its profound capacity to connect, inspire, and build lasting relationships.

As entrepreneurs and marketers, we hold a responsibility that extends far beyond the product or service.

Each principle here is a stepping stone towards creating brands that aren’t just seen or heard, but felt and remembered.

I want to see more brands that are not only successful in the market but also in making a positive impact on people's lives.

Together, we can transform branding into a force that captures hearts and minds, and nurtures a community of loyal customers.

Let's create with purpose, integrity, and a vision for a world enriched by our brands.

This is an opportunity to leave a lasting, positive impact on our industries and society.

3 Tips

Do Not Disturb Mode: If you’re not using DND mode on your phone and computer, you’re wasting time, money, and effort. I’ve read it takes roughly 18min to get back into a state of high focus after being distracted or interrupted.

By using DND, you’ll get work done in no time and have ultra-productive work sessions.

Box Breathing: Stress is inevitable as a business owner. A great way I’ve found to help come back to center is through the “box breathing method.” Here’s how it works.

  • Breathe in for 4 seconds

  • Hold for 4 seconds

  • Breath out for 4 seconds

  • Hold for 4 seconds

  • Repeat

I’ve noticed my stress levels go down and I’m able to make decisions from a more relaxed state when doing this. I’d encourage you to give it a try!

Day Theming: Day theming is a process of having a set focus for each day of the week. Instead of having many different tasks spread out through each day of the week, batch different tasks from the same category on the same day.

1 Book

Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield: Along with his book, War or Art, Turning Pro is a quick and easy read. One of my biggest takeaways from this book is the simplistic nature of working and getting things done.

When someone “turns pro” they no longer act on emotion and instead sit down and do the work required to become successful. If they’re a writer, they don’t wait for inspiration to hit, they sit down and start writing regardless of how they feel. This is the epitome of turning pro.

1 quote

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates

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Thanks for reading!

Keep growing,

Brian Town
Michigan Creative
Founder & CEO


Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

  • Check out our blog HERE where I write about all things marketing and leadership, and where I interview other successful business owners and entrepreneurs.

  • I’ve coached hundreds of business owners, helping them reach their goals and become the best entrepreneurs they can be. Learn more about my coaching program.

  • As a Fractional CMO, I come alongside you and your business to help you reach your highest goals. Consider learning more and booking me for a 15min call HERE.