3 Tips, 1 Book, 1 Quote

The Creative

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Creative where every week you get 3 tips, 1 book, and 1 quote to help you become a better business person and marketer.

Before we dive into today’s message, if you haven’t already, check out our blog HERE.

3 Tips

Develop a Morning Routine: Every founder and business owner needs a consistent morning routine. As an entrepreneur, days can get chaotic pretty fast. One of the best ways to ground yourself and build some consistency into your day is to have a process you follow each morning. Do something to activate your brain and your body first thing in the morning before jumping into work.

Build a Journaling Habit: Another way to put this is by building the habit of “brain dumping.” There’s something about being able to unload all of my thoughts on paper at the end of the day that creates peace of mind for me. Before bed, take 10-15min and jot down everything you’re working on or thinking through.

Engage in Learning Sprints: There’s something to be said about “singularity of focus.” Instead of digging 5 holes, dig 1. The same thing goes for your learning… Pick one skill or topic you want to learn over the next 30 days and commit to spending 30-60min per day (or more) on it. By immersing yourself in a topic, you’ll make much more progress than if you tried learning multiple skills at once.

1 Book

Atomic Habits by James Clear: This has been one of the best books I’ve read to date. Instead of picking up 10 new books this year, read this book 10 times over and get everything you can out of it. It will be one of the best decisions you’ll make to better your life.

1 Quote

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

Keep growing,

Brian Town
Michigan Creative
Founder & CEO


Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

  • Check out our blog HERE where I write about all things marketing and leadership, and where I interview other successful business owners and entrepreneurs.

  • I’ve coached hundreds of business owners, helping them reach their goals and become the best entrepreneurs they can be. Learn more about my coaching program.

  • As a Fractional CMO, I come alongside you and your business to help you reach your highest goals. Consider learning more and booking me for a 15min call HERE.