The Biggest Mindset Mistake Marketers Make

The Creative

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Creative where every week you get 3 tips, 1 book, and 1 quote to help you become a better business person and marketer.

Before we dive into today’s message, my new book is almost out! Be sure to pre-order using the link HERE.

Onto today’s message:

This is the BIGGEST mindset mistake I see marketers make…


It's a word that evokes images of persuasion, impact, and change. But there's a crucial aspect of influence that many consumers overlook. And it's not about choosing between blatant advertising or subtle product placements.

The biggest oversight? Believing that marketing's influence is confined to just commercials and billboards. In reality, marketing's influence is pervasive. It's in every choice, every preference, every decision.

Think about it...

  • The brands you trust

  • The styles you adopt

  • The trends you follow

…these aren't just spontaneous preferences.

They're the result of strategic marketing, shaping your choices, molding your tastes, and influencing your worldview.

It's the social media ads, the influencer endorsements, the customer reviews. These are the channels that subtly guide your decisions. They teach you what to value, what to desire, what to avoid, and so much more.

But here's where the oversight lies:

When we limit our understanding of marketing to just direct sales tactics, we underestimate its broader impact. We forget that our daily interactions, online behaviors, and even casual conversations are influenced by marketing.

  • Every consumer trend

  • Every product choice

  • Every brand loyalty

…is a reflection of marketing's reach.

The question is, what is it teaching us?

Are we learning to value quality over quantity, sustainability over disposability, and authenticity over pretense? Or are we being subtly guided to prioritize convenience over ethics, appearance over substance, and immediacy over longevity?

This is why I advocate for a more conscious approach to marketing. One that encompasses not just selling products but also shaping a responsible consumer culture. One that recognizes the role of marketing in not only driving sales but also in influencing societal values and behaviors. So, what can we do as marketers and consumers? First, be mindful of the marketing messages we create and consume. This is the very reason I focus on ethical marketing practices. It gives businesses a platform for responsible communication and influence.

Second, engage actively in understanding the marketing around us – not just in its overt forms, but in its subtler, more pervasive manifestations. Don’t just absorb; analyze and question. Your choices are influenced for a reason. Understand that reason and make informed decisions.

Encourage critical thinking about marketing, foster awareness of its impact, and model informed consumer behavior. Remember, every marketing message is an opportunity to influence and be influenced, to shape and be shaped.

The biggest oversight in understanding marketing is not the tactics used. It's failing to recognize its pervasive influence in our everyday decision-making. It's understanding that as consumers and marketers, we are part of a larger cycle of influence and choice.

Let's broaden our perspective on marketing. Let's embrace our role in this cycle of influence. And let's create a market where influence is not just about selling but about making informed, responsible, and ethical choices.

3 Tips

Speed Reading: While easier said than done, speed reading is a process where you use a tool, most often a writing device like a pen or pencil, and trace the words while you read them in a physical book.

When doing this, you’re more likely to stay focused and on track and increase the speed of your reading. When you don’t, you’re more easily distracted and often find yourself rereading pages because you went off on a different train of thought while reading.

Modern Networking: The days of going to a “networking event” and handing out business cards are coming to an end.

In the world of business today, you’ll have far more success meeting people organically and providing value in every interaction. Instead of forcing the issue and putting yourself in a situation to be seen as a salesperson, put yourself in situations where you’re more likely to build a genuine connection.

Join communities. DM people and ask them to connect. There are better ways to network in 2024.

The 2-Minute Rule: This is a fantastic tool for anyone who feels like they have a to-do list a mile long. When a new task presents itself, if it takes 2 minutes or less to get it done, just do it.

Instead of adding it to the list and planning to circle back to it later, get it done immediately and move on.

This helps you keep your to-do list manageable instead of adding it full of mini tasks that end up draining your energy.

1 Book

Start with Why by Simon Sinek: Almost everyone from time to time deals with burnout, overwhelm, or increased stress/anxiety.

One of the best ways I’ve found to combat this... is by going back to your roots. WHY are you working as hard as you do? WHY are you putting yourself through the trenches of building and growing?

Once you go back to why you’re doing what you’re doing… things become easier and you have more clarity and energy to push forward. Never lose sight of your why.

1 Quote

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."

- Winston S. Churchill

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Thanks for reading!

Keep growing,

Brian Town
Michigan Creative
Founder & CEO


Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

  • Check out our blog HERE where I write about all things marketing and leadership, and where I interview other successful business owners and entrepreneurs.

  • I’ve coached hundreds of business owners, helping them reach their goals and become the best entrepreneurs they can be. Learn more about my coaching program.

  • As a Fractional CMO, I come alongside you and your business to help you reach your highest goals. Consider learning more and booking me for a 15min call HERE.