How to Be a Top 1% Leader

The Creative

Hey! It’s Brian here. Before we dive in, I wanted to announce the launch of my new book, The Lonely CEO on Amazon. You can pick up a copy below:

The best leaders in 2025 won’t just manage — they’ll elevate.

Being a 1% leader is about unlocking the full potential of your team and yourself.

It’s about leading smarter.

Here’s how to set yourself apart in 2025:

Double Down on Strengths

Instead of trying to mold everyone into the same shape, identify what each team member does best and amplify it.

A team of specialists will always outperform a team of generalists.

Focus on Clarity

Confusion is the enemy of productivity.

Clear communication and aligned goals make teams unstoppable.

Your job as a leader?

Remove ambiguity.

Make the vision crystal clear.

Encourage Innovation

Create an environment where ideas flow freely.

Ask questions, invite curiosity, and embrace the unconventional.

The best leaders in 2025 will prioritize innovation over tradition.

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Build Trust Through Consistency

People don’t follow leaders they don’t trust.

Consistent actions, transparent communication, and follow-through will earn you that trust.


It’ll kill your credibility overnight.

Invest In People

The 1% leader doesn’t just manage workloads; they develop people.

Mentorship, feedback, and real opportunities to grow.

That’s how you keep top talent motivated and loyal.

Lead With Purpose

Teams want more than a paycheck…

They want to believe in the mission.

As a leader, your purpose needs to inspire action.

If you’re not passionate about the “why,” no one else will be either.

The difference between good leaders and the 1%?

Good leaders keep the machine running. The 1% make it thrive.

2025 will belong to those who elevate their teams, embrace innovation, and lead with clarity, trust, and purpose.

I’ve coached hundreds of business owners, helping them reach their goals and become the best entrepreneurs they can be.

If you’re ready from some support reach out by clicking the link here.

3 Tips

Weekly Reflection: At the end of each week, take some time to review how you budgeted your time. Nothing major, just a few minutes’ worth of review.

Then, evaluate what you want to change going into the next week. Just focus on making a 1% improvement next week, and you’ll see incremental progress compound.

Automate, Automate, Automate: If you can automate it, do it. Removing as much as you can from your mental space will help you handle other projects more successfully.

This can also help by allowing you to batch tasks together. Writing and scheduling all of your social media posts for a week or two-week period all at once allows you to get into a state of flow when you’re writing them.

Although necessary for certain projects, always breaking projects and tasks into tiny bites can make it hard to achieve that creative flow.

Time Audit: Keep track of how you spend your time for a specific period (a week, four days, etc.). At the end of that period, evaluate your time management. Make adjustments where you feel like they’re needed and then re-assess.

Most likely, this will reveal that you waste more time than you think. We all do. If you find that you’re prone to wasting time on YouTube right after dinner, find some other, beneficial, behavior to replace that with.

1 Book

Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable, by Seth Godin: This book is great for helping you learn how to think about and then market your product or service. Godin believes that the best way to do that in the current culture is to emphasize what makes you unique.

Think about your product or service and how it’s different from anything else on the market. Then, emphasize that and people will remember you for that unique trait. This helps spread word about your business via word of mouth marketing.

1 Quote

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." ― Stephen Covey

Talk soon,

Brian Town
Founder, Michigan Creative

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Don’t forget to pick up a copy of my new book, The Lonely CEO, on Amazon below!