The Unexpected People Shaping our Future

The Creative

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Creative where every week you get 3 tips, 1 book, and 1 quote to help you become a better business person and marketer.

Before we dive into today’s message, my new book is almost out! Be sure to pre-order using the link HERE.

Onto today’s message:

CEOs drive change.

Innovators disrupt industries.

Entrepreneurs are visionaries.

Sales professionals close deals.

But when it comes to shaping ethical business practices, nothing compares to…

Marketing Leaders.

The pivotal changemakers of the business world.

The often underappreciated architects in building consumer trust and corporate integrity.

As I've seen their influence, I've realized:

No one can replace marketers in steering ethical business practices.

In a world where corporate responsibility is often questioned, I want to bring it back to the forefront.


Because marketing leaders are more than brand promoters.

They are the gatekeepers of business ethics.

Think about it.

A CEO can strategize.

An innovator can create.

An entrepreneur can envision.

A sales professional can negotiate.

But a marketing leader? They help in all of this and more.

Marketing leaders instill trust, shape brand integrity, and provide the ethical compass that is the foundation of a business's reputation.

They are the voice of the brand, the conscience of the corporation, and the bridge to the consumer.

But here's the concerning part…

The role of marketing leaders is being overlooked in the conversation about business ethics.

We're quick to focus on financial outcomes, often overlooking the profound impact marketers have on decision-making.

It's as if we've forgotten that ethical marketing is the cornerstone for sustainable business success.

We need to champion the cause of responsible marketing.

To recognize and support the pivotal role of marketing leaders.


Because when ethical marketing thrives, businesses thrive.

Read that again.

When ethical marketing THRIVES, businesses THRIVE!

Companies guided by ethical marketing principles are more likely to build lasting customer relationships and a positive brand image.

They foster…

  • Transparency

  • Accountability

  • Social Responsibility

…first in their marketing departments, led by their marketing heads.

These are the companies that grow up to be the industry leaders, the standard-setters, the pioneers of positive change.

But when ethical marketing is neglected, the effects ripple through the entire business.

We see it in the form of consumer distrust, public backlash, and a loss of brand loyalty.

So, what can we do?

We start by acknowledging the indispensable role of marketing leaders in ethical business practices.

We provide support, resources, and recognition for their crucial role.

We create business cultures that understand the value of ethical marketing, and that work together to uphold it.

We advocate for policies and practices that support ethical decision-making, recognizing that this is an investment in our long-term business success.

While entrepreneurs, CEOs, sales professionals, and innovators are important, marketing leaders are CRUCIAL!

They are the unsung heroes shaping the ethical landscape of businesses, and it's time we give them the recognition and support they deserve.

Let's champion the cause of ethical marketing and responsible business practices.

Let's work together to build a business world where ethical marketing is not just preserved but celebrated.

Because at the end of the day, the strength of our businesses lies in the strength of our practices.

3 Tips

Learning a New Skill: Our brain loves two things: 1) Protecting us and 2) learning new things. Every time we learn something new, we get a hit of dopamine and our brain tells us, “This is fun, keep going.” This weekend, pick up that new book and learn that new skill.

Meal Prepping: By no means am I an expert in the kitchen, but being able to plan out your meals for the week ahead can save you an immense amount of time.

Not only does this save time, but you’re also less likely to go through the drive-thru and pick up something unhealthy.

Establish an Exercise Routine: A consistent exercise routine is great for numerous reasons. Working out regularly will improve your physical state as well as your mental state.

It’s no surprise that many of the world’s most successful people wake up early and workout first thing in their day.

1 Book

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday. One of my favorite reads of 2024. Too often in business and in life, we’re looking for some secret sauce to solve our problems.'

When in reality, we know exactly what it is and what we need to do. All it takes is a mindset shift and an intense focus on the obstacle, and we can become all we’re supposed to be.

I’ve loved many of Ryan Holiday’s books. I’d definitely check it out!

1 Quote

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." - Henry David Thoreau

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Thanks for reading!

Keep growing,

Brian Town
Michigan Creative
Founder & CEO


Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

  • Check out our blog HERE where I write about all things marketing and leadership, and where I interview other successful business owners and entrepreneurs.

  • I’ve coached hundreds of business owners, helping them reach their goals and become the best entrepreneurs they can be. Learn more about my coaching program.

  • As a Fractional CMO, I come alongside you and your business to help you reach your highest goals. Consider learning more and booking me for a 15min call HERE.