The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

The Next Book You Should Read and Why...

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Creative where every week you get 3 tips, 1 book, and 1 quote to help you become a better business person and marketer.

Before we dive into today’s message, my new book is almost out! Be sure to pre-order using the link HERE.

Onto today’s message:

There are a few books I would recommend re-reading every year.

One of the best ones is The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

Countless insights to unlock your full potential.

Here are the 7 best takeaways…

1. Resistance is the Enemy

Pressfield identifies "Resistance" as the force that prevents people from achieving their goals and fulfilling their creative potential.

It manifests as procrastination, self-doubt, fear, and any other form of resistance to action.

2. Creative Work Requires Discipline

Pressfield emphasizes the importance of discipline in overcoming Resistance.

Consistent effort, commitment to a routine, and a professional mindset are crucial for breaking through creative blocks and producing meaningful work.

3. Professionalism vs. Amateurism

Pressfield distinguishes between professionals and amateurs based on their approach to their craft.

Professionals show up consistently, work diligently, and prioritize their creative endeavors, while amateurs allow excuses and distractions to hinder their progress.

4. Turning Pro

"Turning pro" involves a shift in mindset from amateurism to professionalism.

It requires embracing a sense of responsibility and dedication to one's craft, regardless of external validation or success.

5. Fear of Success

Pressfield discusses the phenomenon of the "fear of success,".

Individuals subconsciously sabotage their efforts to avoid the responsibilities and expectations that come with achieving their goals.

6. Resistance and Self-Doubt

Pressfield explores how Resistance often manifests as self-doubt and negative self-talk, leading individuals to question their abilities and worthiness.

Overcoming this internal resistance is essential for creative fulfillment.

7. The Importance of Persistence

Lastly, Pressfield underscores the importance of persistence in the face of Resistance.

Creative endeavors are filled with challenges and setbacks, but it is through perseverance and resilience that people ultimately triumph over Resistance and realize their vision.

I’ve only scratched the surface here.

I’d recommend everybody go and read The War of Art.

And don’t just read it once, revisit it whenever you need guidance and motivation.

It’s helped me a lot.

3 Tips

Write It Down or Get It Done: Recently, I recommended keeping a commonplace book. To build on that tip, let me suggest you use a page for tasks.

If you’re working on a project and think of an unrelated task, write it down on your task page. If that task can be done in less time than writing it down, just get it done.

This gets the thought out of your head, letting your mind refocus on the project at hand.

Express Gratitude: As you’re writing things down in your gratitude journal, take a moment and look for any items on your list in which someone in your life played a direct role.

If so, resolve to thank them the next day, in person if possible.

This practice will help solidify gratitude as a fundamental part of your life.

Find a Hobby: If you work with your mind all day, find a hobby that involves working with your hands. Starting a small garden or learning basic vehicle maintenance could be refreshing.

Or, if you normally work with your hands, learning computer programming or reading classic literature might be helpful.

You’ll be surprised at the positive impact a seemingly unrelated skill can have on your work.

1 Book

Be A People Person by John C. Maxwell: Whether you consider yourself a people person already or not, this book has some gold nuggets of wisdom for everyone.

Maxwell does an excellent job breaking down the traits and skills that anyone can learn to become a people-oriented person, which helps you not only in business, but in life as well.

1 Quote

“Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” – Peter Drucker

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Thanks for reading!

Keep growing,

Brian Town
Michigan Creative
Founder & CEO


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  • Check out our blog HERE where I write about all things marketing and leadership, and where I interview other successful business owners and entrepreneurs.

  • I’ve coached hundreds of business owners, helping them reach their goals and become the best entrepreneurs they can be. Learn more about my coaching program.

  • As a Fractional CMO, I come alongside you and your business to help you reach your highest goals. Consider learning more and booking me for a 15min call HERE.